Alle Termine | Filmvortrag | Dreharbeiten
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The new dance history tool for teachers and students [WissensWandel.Digitalprogramm des dbv]. |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 29.3.2023 |
As part of the dbv’s WissensWandel funding programme, the German Dance Film Institute has developed a Dance History Tool (TGT) that can be used in teaching and training. Based on the open-source software MediaWiki (known from Wikipedia), the TGT is aimed at dance professionals, dance students, dance scholars as well as young audiences who have had little or no contact with dance in the theatre.
In the first phase, the TGT is being developed.
In a first phase, 400 records with films from the database project DANCE ON DEMAND (DOD) were used. This intranet portal of the National Library was developed in 2004 by the German Dance Film Institute Bremen for the largest library in Asia in Singapore and technically realised in cooperation with the University of Bremen. For technical reasons, the DOD was no longer usable since 2019. The updated texts on the most important stage works, choreographers, institutions and topics of German dance, which are available here again, are regularly supplemented by dance-historical valuable films from the extensive holdings of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen. Currently, over 100 films can already be viewed on the TGT portal.
This new online version of the dance history tool TGT has been tested by lecturers and students and found to be very enriching. TGT is not publicly accessible for copyright reasons. User-defined access rights are managed by the German Dance Film Institute Bremen.
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Tutorial on subtitling films with the help of AI [WissensWandel. Digitalprogramm des dbv] |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 29.3.2023 |
This tutorial was created as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR project’s “New Approaches to Cultural Heritage Dance”. It shows how spoken texts in films can be subtitled in another language relatively easily with the help of AI-based software. The translations created in this way are no substitute for professional interpreting, but they are a good first step towards understanding the content of the film commentaries. Dance students from different countries have greatly appreciated these new possibilities during our Zoom Lectures on dance history.
The choice of open source software is now also very large for this purpose. In our case, however, we have realised this mainly with already existing film and text programmes of the institute.
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Our new Streaming Studio [WissensWandel. Digitalprogramm des dbv] |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 29.3.2023 |
The German Dance Film Institute is a presence media library that has been able to test a new pillar of communication with colleges of dance and dance education for the first time through the project “New Accesses to the Cultural Heritage of Dance”. A special feature of archives is that the holdings cannot be viewed off-site and without context with archive staff. This means that knowledge transfer can so far only take place in-house or through specially compiled media libraries, which are shown outside in a narrowly defined framework accompanied by specialist staff. Film collections in particular may not be borrowed, as they are originals with copyrights held by dance and film makers. Due to the pandemic, this fundamental problem came to a head.
An important goal of our project was to realise online lectures for universities of the arts with degree programmes in professional dance and dance education. Participating in this inaugural series were the Orot College in Tel Aviv (studying dance education, among other things) and a master class in dance education at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen.
In close collaboration with the respective dance lecturers, Dr. Talia Perlshtein and Prof. Henrietta Horn, 20 dance lectures were created on the topics of “Dance and Politics” and “Solo Dance”. In addition, we have modernised a dance history tool (TGT) in the sense of a visual dance encyclopaedia for lecturers and students and updated its content. TGT is now also accessible in two languages (German and English).
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Digital Lectures in dance history. Our new concept |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 29.3.2023 |
The German Dance Film Institute is a presence media library that has been able to test a new pillar of communication with colleges of dance and dance education for the first time through the project “New Accesses to the Cultural Heritage of Dance”. A special feature of archives is that the holdings cannot be viewed off-site and without context with archive staff. This means that knowledge transfer can so far only take place in-house or through specially compiled media libraries, which are shown outside in a narrowly defined framework accompanied by specialist staff. Film collections in particular may not be borrowed, as they are originals with copyrights held by dance and film makers. Due to the pandemic, this fundamental problem came to a head.
An important goal of our project was to realise online lectures for universities of the arts with degree programmes in professional dance and dance education. Participating in this inaugural series were the Orot College in Tel Aviv (studying dance education, among other things) and a master class in dance education at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen.
In close collaboration with the respective dance lecturers, Dr. Talia Perlshtein and Prof. Henrietta Horn, 20 dance lectures were created on the topics of “Dance and Politics” and “Solo Dance”. In addition, we have modernised a dance history tool (TGT) in the sense of a visual dance encyclopaedia for lecturers and students and updated its content. TGT is now also accessible in two languages (German and English).
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Peace pain |
Dreharbeiten | Dienstagscompany | Bremen, Schnürschuh-Theater | D | 18.2.2023 |
We are all waiting for infinite peace. We all hope that inhuman, violence- and terror-spreading regimes will collapse. We fight with ourselves against resignation and fatalism. The small human being, individual and citizen of the world at the same time, lives his or her own everyday life with various coping strategies.
The performers in this associative dance theatre piece lean on personally chosen great figures in order to find parts of freedom and peace in them. Within this framework, the production reclaims courage and strength to overcome one’s own hopelessness.
The performers of the Tuesday Company (developed from the dance theatre course) have dealt with these current themes.
Choreography: Marion Amschwand
The team of the Deutsches Tanztheater is pleased to document the premiere on film.
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undressed. tanzbar_Bremen |
Dreharbeiten | tanzbar_Bremen | Schwankhalle Bremen | D | 15.2.2023 |
Life is performance and to enter the world is also to enter a stage. In times of isolation, this stage does not exist, we are alone with ourselves and hardly enter into a relationship with other people. The game is paused – we are completely ourselves. But how much of this human being is actually visible in our public performance? In “undressed”, the dancers of tanzbar_bremen make themselves beautiful for the world and consciously enter the theatre space as a space of possibility, as a space of staging. Only gradually do they try to shed the layers of representation to reveal a glimpse of that which also wants to shine through. How much of a role should and do I want to play? What do I reveal?
Concept and choreography: Tomas Bünger | Dancers: Jenny Ecke, Tim Gerhards, Till Krumwiede, Corinna Mindt, Adriana Sinram, Oskar Spatz, Adrian Wenzel | Production assistance: Anna Rödiger, Caline Weber | Lighting: Josephine Mielke | Costume design: Katja Fritzsche | Production: tanzbar_bremen in cooperation with steptext dance project | Supported by: Senator for Culture Bremen, Aktion Mensch.
The team of the German Dance Film Institute is pleased to document the dress rehearsal on film.
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Claudia Henne in Conversation for II [Making Of] |
Dreharbeiten | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen Forum am Wall | D | 8.-11.2.2023 |
As part of the series DANCE:DIGITAL, in the halls of the Tanzfilminstitut cultural journalist Claudia Henne interviews choreographers Pablo Sansalvador, Wayne Götz and Rolf Baumgart, who combine contemporary dance and virtual reality in their projects.
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Reinhild Hoffmann and her life’s work [Digitization] |
Digitalisierung | Reinhild Hoffmann/ Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | seit 1.1.2022 |
There is hardly a dancer and choreographer of her generation whose work has been so comprehensively documented on film: Heide-Marie Härtel accompanied the career of 2022 Dance Prize winner Reinhild Hoffmann with her camera from the very beginning. Whether in the training hall at the Bremen Theatre, at the now legendary “Solo mit Sofa” at the Concordia Bremen, at the Folkwang Tanzstudio, at guest performances at home and abroad with the Goethe-Institut and later at her opera productions, filmmaker Härtel was there and recorded the performance.
Now the circle is complete: at the German Dance Film Institute in Bremen, the video recordings of Hoffmann’s life’s work will be digitised and thus secured in the long term for future dance makers and dance enthusiasts. For over a year, Reinhild Hoffmann and Heide-Marie Härtel will regularly sit down together to add more detailed information about the individual recordings to the database of the Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut.
This project is funded by DIS-TANZEN SOLO, a project of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. within the framework of Neustart Kultur of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Dieses Projekt wird gefördert von DIS-TANZEN SOLO, einem Projekt des Dachverbands Tanz Deutschland e.V. im Rahmen von Neustart Kultur der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
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Claudia Henne in Conversation with Tobias Staab. II [Making Of] |
Dreharbeiten | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Berlin | D | 27.1.2023 |
As part of the series DANCE:DIGITAL II [Making Of], cultural journalist Claudia Henne interviews Tobias Staab, choreographer and author of the project “Autonomous Avatar. An immersive Dance Experience”.
How much longer will we be able to control the technologies we have created? This is the question that choreographer Tobias Staab wants to explore in his project Autonomous Avatar. The dancers perform in the unusual and fascinating venue of the Bochum Planetarium: thanks to motion-capture suits, their movements generate video installations along the dome of the planetarium, depicting their digital avatars, which become more and more human-like. An ambitious project, which questions how technologies are shaping our perception of what is alive and what is not.
Press Junge Bühne on this: Young Stage
Tanz:digital II is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, aid programme DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (umbrella organisation for dance in Germany).
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Emanuel Massa aus Italien berichtet von seinem European Solidarity Corps Volunteering im Tanzfilminstitut |
ESC / NaturKultur e.V./ Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D/Italy | 15.1.2023 |
My year at the Deutsches Tanz Film Institut came to an end, and I leave with the bittersweet feeling of a great experience, of having learned many things and met wonderful people. I leave with more awareness of my means, skills and possibility, with the confidence of going out there on my own, and with the knowledge that wherever I’ll go I’ll always keep a second home in Bremen, and a second family: the community of volunteers that makes this experience so special.
At Tafi, I did not only learn technical skills on my field, film production, but also crucial soft skills: an improved communication, an understanding of the beauty of our differences and the desire to never stop. I would recommend this experience to everyone who wants to challenge their convictions and beliefs, to get an insight of what collaboration means, to grow in an international environment and to work on what they love while having support during this path.
I’ll leave this city, but I’ll try to stay as close as I can. I like the idea of seeing Bremen as the place to always come back. We all need one or two.
Emanuel is hosted by Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut (TAFI) financed by the European Solidarity Corps and Jugend für Europa.
Emanuel’s contribution appears on the homepage of NaturKulture.V.
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Stephan Brinkmann. Lecture for the Orot Israel College in Tel Aviv [WissensWandel. Digitalprogramm des dbv] |
Veranstaltung | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Tel Aviv / Bremen | Israel / D | 17.1.2023 |
Stephan Brinkmann, Professor of Contemporary Dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts, gladly accepted the opportunity to give a lecture for their dance students at the Orot Israel College for the Arts. He was a dancer and choreographer at the Folkwang Tanzstudio for two years before becoming a permanent ensemble member of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch from 1995 to 2005. Brinkmann spoke about the connection between pedagogy and choreography.
The simultaneous translation will be provided by Ms Katja Manor, Goethe-Institut Tel Aviv.
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm for libraries and archives within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Tanz mit dem Tiger/ Pablo Sansalvador. tanz:digital II [Making Of] |
Dreharbeiten | Bremen | D | 13.1.2023 |
Inspired by a quote by Christian Drosten, according to whom overcoming the Corona pandemic is like dancing with a tiger, choreographer Pablo Sansalvador uses the limit of physical distance imposed by restrictions as a creative possibility, designing a choreography in which two dancers perform live together with four “Distant Dance Makers”, present only through their digital avatars. The audience watches the performance through tablets that make the avatars visible, and moves freely in the space to follow the choreography from different perspectives, realising that physical reality is only one of the countless levels we can create with.
Within the framework of tanz:digital II, the German Dance Film Institute Bremen has set itself the task of building a bridge between the motivation of the realising artists and the focused circle of users. In concrete terms, this means that “making ofs” will be created for about 10 individual projects, preparing potential users, whether they are tech-savvy or not, for what to expect if they want to entrust themselves to one of the many new offerings.
Tanz:digital II is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, the DIS-TANZEN support programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
In this lecture, Dorothée Hahne talks about her work as a musician and as a composer for dance companies, pointing out how her skills as a programmer were useful in composing some of the pieces. The choreographer Henrietta Horn, recently appointed professor of contemporary dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, talks about the kind of collaboration she had with the musician in the process of creating a choreography.
Moderated by Heide-Marie Härtel
All film clips are subtitled in English.
The simultaneous translation will be provided by Ms Katja Manor, Goethe-Institut Tel Aviv.
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
German choreographer Reinhild Hoffmann, winner of the Tanzpreis for Lifetime Achievement in 2022, talks about her solo performances, focusing in particular on “Solo mit Sofa.” A film of the performance, held at Theater am Goethenplatz in Bremen in 1982, with live music by Jonh Cage, is shown during the seminar.
Moderation: Heide-Marie Härtel
The simultaneous translation will be provided by Ms Katja Manor, Goethe-Institut Tel Aviv.
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Autonomous Avatar/ Tobias Staab. tanz:digital II [Making Of] |
Dreharbeiten | Tobias Staab + Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bochum, Planetarium | D | 1.12.2022 |
How much longer will we be able to control the technologies we have created? This is the question that choreographer Tobias Staab wants to explore in his project Autonomous Avatar. The dancers perform in the unusual and fascinating venue of the Bochum Planetarium: thanks to motion-capture suits, their movements generate video installations along the dome of the planetarium, depicting their digital avatars, which become more and more human-like. An ambitious project, which questions how technologies are shaping our perception of what is alive and what is not.
Press Young Stage about it: Junge Bühne
Within the framework of tanz:digital II, the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is building a bridge between the motivation of the realising artists and the focused circle of users. In concrete terms, this means that “making ofs” are being created for around 10 individual projects, which prepare potential users, whether they are tech-savvy or not, for what to expect if they want to entrust themselves to one of the many new offerings.
Tanz:digital II is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, aid programme DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
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(Deutsch) TALK 2 ME 4D/ Wayne Götz. tanz:digital II [Making Of] |
Dreharbeiten | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen. Schwankhalle | D | 30.11.2022 |
In Talk2Me4D, Wayne Götz and Lucy Flournoy, both physical theatre performers, want to explore the possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligences such as GPT-3 and Amazon’s Alexa. Beside interacting with them on stage, they also create an immersive, fourth-dimensional, exquisitely entertaining version of the performance, that the public can experience with VR glasses. The project liberates new technologies from a dystopian imagery, reminding us that play is at the basis of every artistic experience.
Within the framework of tanz:digital II, the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is building a bridge between the motivation of the realising artists and the focused circle of users. In concrete terms, this means that “making ofs” are being created for around 10 individual projects, which prepare potential users, whether they are tech-savvy or not, for what to expect if they want to entrust themselves to one of the many new offerings.
Tanz:digital II is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, aid programme DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (umbrella organisation for dance in Germany).
This new digital mediation format is being developed by the German Dance Film Institute Bremen thanks to the support of “WissensWandel. Digital Programme for Archives and Libraries of the dbv German Library Association”. Heide-Marie Härtel offers a seminar on the history of dance for students of the Orot Israel College in Tel Aviv via live stream from the studio in Bremen. The event will focus in particular on the relationship between dance and politics. Historical dance film material from the institute’s own archive will illustrate the contents of the seminar. Heide-Marie Härtel is developing the lectures in close cooperation with Dr. Talia Perlshtein, head of the dance department of the Orot Israel College.
As simultaneous translators:in Ziv Frenkel, Berlin, and Katja Manor, Goethe-Institut Tel Aviv will accompany the seminar.
All film excerpts will be subtitled in English.
Invited are the lecturers:
* Reinhild Hoffmann, dancer, choreographer, dance prize winner 2022
* Dorotheé Hahne, musician, composer
* Professor Henrietta Horn, Folkwang University of the Arts, dance degree programme
* Professor Stephan Brinkmann, Fokwang University of the Arts, director of dance degree programme
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
Funded by the dbv German Library Association, Heide-Marie Härtel is developing a new digital mediation format for students at the Folkwang University of the Arts as part of the project “WissensWandel. Digital Programme for Libraries and Archives within Neustart Kultur” project, Heide-Marie Härtel is developing a new digital mediation format for students at Folkwang University of the Arts. The seminar on modern dance history will be broadcast from the studio at the German Dance Film Institute in Bremen – via live stream.
The focus of the seminar is particularly on the relationship between dance and politics. Important chroeographers include Kurt Joos, Hans Kresnik, Susanne Linke and Reinhild Hoffmann. In the live stream, Härtel can have film excerpts played from the rich film material of the in-house archive. The students discuss and reflect on the basis of specifically selected historical film examples with their lecturer, Professor Henrietta Horn in Essen, with Heide-Marie Härtel and invited guests, such as Reinhild Hoffmann, in Bremen.
This seminar is realised in close cooperation with the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen-Werden and Professor Henrietta Horn.
The seminar will be offered in English.
All film excerpts will be subtitled in English.
Wissenwandel.Digitalprogramm für Bibliotheken und Archive within Neustart Kultur is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and is launched by dbv Deutscher Bibliotheksverband.
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Ceremony of the German Dance Award 2022 |
Dreharbeiten | Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. | Essen im Aalto-Theater | D | 15.10.2022 |
The German Dance Prize is the most prestigious prize for dance in Germany and has been awarded annually at a festive dance gala since 1983.
On 15 October, the award ceremony of the German Dance Prize 2022 took place at the Aalto Theatre in Essen. With a diverse programme and international guests, the diversity of dance and the art of the award winners were celebrated.
The multifaceted programme of the German Dance Award 2022 was presented at the Aalto-Theatre in Essen.
This year, the multifaceted programme revolved exclusively around the prize-winners. Two pieces by Marco Goecke were part of the programme. Lilith Hakobyan from the Staatsballett Hannover danced the solo Tué to music by the singer Barbara, which Marco Goecke dedicated to Princess Caroline of Monaco in 2009 as a tribute to her many years of commitment to dance. Rosario Guerra and Louis Steinmetz, also from the Staatsballett Hannover, also presented Marco Goecke’s duet Midnight Raga, whose title is based on classical Indian music.
Christoph Winkler presented his piece Coming Together to the music of the composition of the same name by Federic Rzewski, performed by the international Zafraan Ensemble. Dancers from the Netherlands, Nigeria, New Zealand and Germany deal with the body in turmoil and explore the body’s potential for protest.
Christoph Winkler’s piece Coming Together is set to music by Federic Rzewski.
Reinhild Hoffmann’s performance Solange man unterwegs ist… (As long as you’re on the road…), created especially for the event, takes us on a journey into her artistic past and allows us to experience her work of the past decades in the present.
The film WE LIVE IN A STRANGE WORLD – a dance film inspired by the speeches of Greta Thunberg by Christin and Carola Schmidt, created as part of the Chance Tanz funding programme of the Aktion Tanz association, will be presented as an example of the work of the association.
The team of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is pleased to document the gala on the occasion of the awarding of the highest prize for dance in Germany on film again this year.
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Kultursalon Essen as part of the German Dance Award 2022 |
Dreharbeiten | Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. | Essen - Pact Zollverein | D | 14.10.2022 um 19.00 Uhr |
The 2022 Dance Prize winners:in conversation about their work with : Marco Goecke, Christoph Winkler, Reinhild Hoffmann and the Aktion Tanz Company tell us about their research and inspirations.
German Dance Award 2022
CULTURE SALON 14.10.2022 / 19h
PACT Zollverein
Michael Freundt & Brit Rodemund
19:00 Welcome by moderator and Muchtar Al Ghusain (Alderman of the City of Essen for Youth, Education and Culture)
19:05 Talk session with Marco Goecke and Reinhild Hoffmann
Introduction of the laudator Reid Anderson
19:07 Laudation of Marco Goecke as video by Reid Anderson (8-10 min.)
19:15 Talk with the laudators and award winners (20 min.)
Introduction of the laudator Hedwig Müller
19:35 Laudation of Reinhild Hoffmann by Hedwig Müller
19:45 Talk with the laudators and prize winners
20:05 PAUSE
20:30 Talk with Christoph Winkler and Aktion Tanz
Introduction of the laudator Elisabeth Nehring
20:32 Laudation for Christoph Winkler by Elisabeth Nehring
20:40 Talk with the laudators and prize winners
Transition to Aktion Tanz
Introduction of the laudator Madeline Ritter
21:00 Laudation on Aktion Tanz by Madeline Ritter
21:10 Talk with the laudators and award winners
21:30 Farewell
From 21:30 Reception and conclusion with music in the foyer
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Doubt22/ Maureen Reeor. tanz:digital II [Making Of] |
Dreharbeiten | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Eupen und Bremen | Belgien; D | 13.10.2022 |
In the project Doubt22, choreographer Maureen Reeor mixes contemporary dance and videogame imagery, creating a performance in which the spectators decide, via an application on their mobile phones that confronts them with choices, how the performance will develop. An entertaining work that asks some questions about how the relationship with new technologies has changed our approach to performance, and about the possibilities that virtual reality can offer.
In the context of tanz:digital II, the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is building a bridge between the motivation of the realising artists and the focused circle of users. In concrete terms, this means that “making ofs” will be created for around 10 individual projects, which will prepare potential users, whether they are tech-savvy or not, for what to expect if they want to entrust themselves to one of the many new offerings.
Tanz:digital II is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, DIS-TANZEN support programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.