Alle Termine | Filmvortrag | Dreharbeiten
“Tanz im Lichthaus“, die Ballettschule im Hafen von Carolin Böhse-Krings, feiert die Filmpremiere ihres Programms ‘Der kleinen Prinz aus Gröpelingen’, das am 02. und 03. März mit 110 Tanzschülerinnen und -schülern im Tabakquartier aufgeführt wurde.
Das Deutsche Tanzfilminstitut unter der Leitung von Heide-Marie Härtel hat die Vorstellung gefilmt und aus dem Material einen Dokumentation produziert.
17 November 2023
Institute for Theatre Studies at the University of Leipzig
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Working conference of the Association of German Dance Archives
Miscellaneous topics
18 November 2023
Bibliotheca Albertina
10.00 a.m. Words of welcome
Charlotte Bauer, Deputy Director of Leipzig University Library
Holk Freytag, Saxon Academy of the Arts
10.15 am Dance archives in Germany
* Archive Performing Arts of the Academy of Arts Berlin, Stephan Dörschel (Head of the Archive)
* German Dance Archive Cologne, Thomas Thorausch (Deputy Head of the Dance Archive Cologne)
* German Dance Film Institute Bremen, Heide-Marie Härtel (Artistic Director)
* Mediathek für Tanz und Theater, Christine Henniger (Head of MTT at the International Theatre Institute Centre Germany e.V.)
* Dance Archive Leipzig e.V., Prof. Dr Patrick Primavesi (Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Leipzig and board member)
* University Archive of the Palucca University of Dance Dresden, Bianca Gleiniger (Head of the
University Archive)
10.45 am Dance-memory-digitality: a research
Caroline Helm, Clara Dolinschek, Michael Freundt (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V.)
11.00 am Discussion: Dance and Archive – Transformation into the Digital
11.45 a.m. short break
12.00 pm Digital stages for dance: tanz:digital as an example
Michael Freundt (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V.)
12.15 pm Discussion: Complicity of art, technology, science and archive
* Thomas Thorausch, Deputy Director of the Dance Archive Cologne
* Stephan Dörschel, Director of the Archive for Performing Arts at the Academy of Arts Berlin
* Heide-Marie Härtel, Artistic Director of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen
* Christine Henniger, Head of the Media Library for Dance and Theatre at the International Theatre Institute -
Zentrum Deutschland e. V.
* Patrick Henniger, Head of the Media Library for Dance and Theatre at the International Theatre Institute -
Zentrum Deutschland e. V. V.
* Patrick Primavesi, Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Leipzig, Board of Directors of Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.
* Bianca Gleiniger, Head of the University Archive of the Palucca University of Dance Dresden
Moderation: Melanie Gruß, Institute for Theatre Studies
14.00 Small reception with drinks and snacks
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“The Bremen archives present treasures from their holdings: Letters, photos, films, interviews, long-playing records, posters, radio recordings, telegrams and a wide variety of exhibits on the subject of “communication”. The spectrum ranges from the US station AFN, church radio and campus radio to the artist and musician John Cage, Werder TV and satellites in space travel. As in a kaleidoscope, a multi-faceted picture of the technical, social or linguistic changes in our communication over the past 100 to 200 years emerges.
The exhibition takes a special look at the cultural heritage of the city and state of Bremen. It is complemented by supra-regional and international themes. The preservation and making available of cultural assets are among the essential tasks of the diverse and multi-layered archive landscape in the federal state of Bremen.
In this context, the Bremen Archives Working Group also includes initiatives and collections whose holdings and professional content have hardly been noticed and dealt with by academic institutions. The exhibition is thus also an offer for new ideas and plans.”
A varied programme of events frames the show.
“Dance and Film – Symbiosis of Two Genres” is the title of the exhibition contribution by the German Dance Film Institute Bremen. Heide-Marie Härtel’s contribution on the origins and development of dance film and the interpenetration of dance and film is illustrated by photos, film clips and historical costumes as well as film equipment from the extensive holdings of our producing archive.
Tanzsalon 29 will be showing ” The Dance Film Institute in Transition”. The event will start on 10 March 2020 at 8pm as part of the exhibition and will highlight the coming step for Europe’s largest producing dance film archive.
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DANCE – Archive – FILM. Lecture for NaturKultur e.V. Erasmus + |
Seminar | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 29.11.2019 |
“The stage is yours!” is a theatre-film seminar organised by NaturKultur e.V., where young adults from Europe visiting northern Germany for a voluntary cultural year can gain a variety of experiences. 36 young people from Greece, Croatia, Spain and Germany work on the themes of experiences of discrimination and self-identity in the seven-day workshop using the methods of the performing arts, performance and film (camera work and editing). The results are presented in a performance.
This intensive programme is complemented by a video lecture at the German Dance Film Institute Bremen, in which artistic director Heide-Marie Härtel unfolds the thematic field of DANCE and FILM with the interface of the archive. Artistic dance, documentary film, film art – a broad field is outlined. This will be followed by an intensive exchange about the importance of preserving fleeting artistic moments, as they are found especially in artistic stage dance, through the medium of film.
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GEGENPOLE UND ZWISCHENWELT – steptext Tanzprojekt im TANZLAND WINSEN Gastpiel mit Einführung von Heide-Marie Härtel |
Filmvortrag | Kulturverein Winsen | Winsen an der Luhe | D | 12.09.2019 um 19:30 Uhr |
Since its premiere in 2016, step ensemble piece ZWEI GIRAFFEN TANZEN TANGO – BREMER SCHRITTE, a Tanzfonds Erbe project, has already wowed audiences in many places. Now two adapted versions of Helge Letonja’s take on dance theatre pioneer Gerhard Bohner’s 1980 choreography can be experienced away from home.
As part of the TANZLAND WINSEN cooperation, Letonja has combined sequences from the production with the ensemble to create a new multi-layered cosmos: With GEGENPOLE UND ZWISCHENWELTEN the audience can expect contemporary dance art on 12 September in the Stadthalle Winsen, which weaves everyday gestures, subconscious and humorous into impressive moving images.
At 7:30 pm, expert Heide-Marie Härtel, director of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen, will introduce the piece and its background.
The Kulturverein Winsen and steptext dance project see their cooperation as an opportunity to bring contemporary dance art closer to different sections of the population and age groups and to create sustainable structures for dance guest performances, dance reflection and dance practice. Steptext, with its productions that address social discourses in terms of dance aesthetics, as well as its networking and mediation skills, meets a committed partner in Winsen that interacts with the city on many levels and is open to new impulses. Dance as an art form that appeals to its audience across all linguistic and age differences increases Winsen’s attractiveness as a new and first-time element in the city’s cultural programme and helps to raise the profile of its cultural programme beyond the city limits.
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DANCE SALON 26: Farewell to Jean Cébron |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | Sonntag, 10.03.2019, um 20.00 Uhr |
The dancer, choreographer and teacher Jean Cébron died on 1 February at the age of 94. After Kurt Jooss, he was probably the most influential dance teacher at the Folkwangschule for decades. His students included such well-known dance personalities as Reinhild Hoffmann, Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich and Lutz Förster.
Jean Cébron was active as a dancer, for example in famous ballet pieces by Kurt Jooss, and as a choreographer, performing with Pina Bausch and others in the 1970s. The German Dance Film Institute has previously unpublished video material from Jean Cébron’s classes, from performances at the Folkwangschule in the 1990s and from his work with the Bremer Tanztheater in the 1980s under Reinhild Hoffmann.
We show clips from the filming and talk to one of his students from the 90s, Professor Doktor STEPHAN BRINKMANN, who has been head of the dance department at the Folkwang University of the Arts since late last year.
Following the presentation, we are pleased to introduce you to a premiere that will be shown in the Schwankhalle the following week, on 13.3: SCHLAFWANDLER 1999 / 2019. Choreographed by Helge Letonja in 1999, the same dancers continue the piece 20 years later in a second part. Ziv Frenkel and Anne Minetti are present at the Tanzsalon. (Premiere 13/3, further performances 14 and 16/3)
DANCE SALON 26 begins on Sunday, 10 March 2019, at 20:00 at the Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen, Forum am Wall, Am Wall 201, 28195 Bremen. Entrance from Ostertorstraße, left of bakery. Tel. 0421 240 550
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(Deutsch) TANZSALON 18: ZEUGEN DES TANZES – Günter Pick trifft KLAUS GEITEL (Filmpreview) |
Video-Produktion | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 10.12.2017 19:30 bis 21.00 Uhr |
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(Deutsch) TANZSALON 15: Sigurd Leeder/Tanzgeschichte im Verborgenen |
Zu Gast im TAFI | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 10. Mai 2017, 20 Uhr |
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(Deutsch) TANZSALON 14: ZEUGEN DES TANZES – Norbert Servos trifft SUSANNE LINKE (Filmpreview) |
Zu Gast im TAFI | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 10.4.2017, 20 Uhr |
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Filmvortrag | Theater Bremen | Bremen | D | 18.9.2016 |
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(Deutsch) TANZSALON 08: Die Sinnlichkeit des Boxhandschuhs |
Video-Produktion | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 10.07.2016, 20 Uhr |
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(Deutsch) TANZSALON 07: ZEUGEN DES TANZES – Arndt Wesemann trifft NELE HERTLING |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut | Bremen | D | 10.6.2016 |
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TANZSALON 06: A Century of Solo Dance in Germany |
Veranstaltung | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut | Bremen | D | 10.5.2016, 20 Uhr |
Since the days of expressive dance, the “supreme discipline” of solo dance has repeatedly had a style-defining effect on the development of modern dance in Germany. Greats such as Mary Wigman, Gret Palucca, Harald Kreutzberg or later Dore Hoyer represented the whole range of New Artistic Dance, as expressive dance was also called, in their solo works. Flexible and usually without an elaborate stage set, the soloists gave their performances not only in large theatres, but also on numerous concert and podium stages, thus ensuring wide dissemination. Also the new
generation that sought new forms of expression from the sixties onwards often formulated themselves first in solo works. Susanne Linke, Reinhild Hoffmann and Gerhard Bohner caused a sensation with solo evenings. In the next generation of choreographers, the aesthetic range goes from Anna Huber to Richard Siegal. But the Bremen independent scene also plays a good role. Let yourself / be surprised.
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DANCE SALON 02_”THE LIVE LEGACY PROJECT” and the american. Dance Modernism of the 70s |
Filmvortrag | Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D | 10.1.2016 |
8 pm
Correspondences between Contemporary Dance in Germany and the
Judson Dance Theater Movement in the USA (Preview)
A week-long symposium took place at the Tanzhaus Düsseldorf in mid-2014, which focused on the influence of America’s dance revolution in the 1960s on dance history in Germany. In a total of 60 different events (workshops, round-table discussions / performances etc.), still active contemporary witnesses, dance scholars and performers of today worked on this topic across generations and genres. The dance revolution promoted and created a wealth of new movement techniques and cross-disciplinary forms of choreography, which have found their way into the independent scene as well as into established dance institutions.
The film is an example of this.
The filmic examination of the project is almost complete. A one-hour version is available. In the course of 2016, the film will be enriched with historical visual examples in close cooperation with the project leaders from Germany and the USA. The premiere of the final version will be in June 2016 at the invitation of the 4th Dance Congress
Germany in Hanover.
TRISHA BROWN DANCE COMPANY (parts from a recording of the last Europatournée)
The choreographer Trisha Brown was one of the co-founders of the Judson Dance movement. Her famous company toured Europe for the last time (before closing) in 2014. Commissioned by the Akademie der Künste Berlin, the
German Dance Film Institute recorded this guest performance in Berlin. In Tanzsalon 02 we show parts of this recording with older, but also newer pieces by the style-defining
A glimpse into the “film kitchen” of the Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen.