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Foto: Marianne Menke GEGENPOLE UND ZWISCHENWELT – steptext Tanzprojekt im TANZLAND WINSEN
Gastpiel mit Einführung von Heide-Marie Härtel
Filmvortrag Kulturverein Winsen Winsen an der Luhe D 12.09.2019 um 19:30 Uhr

Since its premiere in 2016, step ensemble piece ZWEI GIRAFFEN TANZEN TANGO – BREMER SCHRITTE, a Tanzfonds Erbe project, has already wowed audiences in many places. Now two adapted versions of Helge Letonja’s take on dance theatre pioneer Gerhard Bohner’s 1980 choreography can be experienced away from home.


As part of the TANZLAND WINSEN cooperation, Letonja has combined sequences from the production with the ensemble to create a new multi-layered cosmos: With GEGENPOLE UND ZWISCHENWELTEN the audience can expect contemporary dance art on 12 September in the Stadthalle Winsen, which weaves everyday gestures, subconscious and humorous into impressive moving images.


At 7:30 pm, expert Heide-Marie Härtel, director of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen, will introduce the piece and its background.




The Kulturverein Winsen and steptext dance project see their cooperation as an opportunity to bring contemporary dance art closer to different sections of the population and age groups and to create sustainable structures for dance guest performances, dance reflection and dance practice. Steptext, with its productions that address social discourses in terms of dance aesthetics, as well as its networking and mediation skills, meets a committed partner in Winsen that interacts with the city on many levels and is open to new impulses. Dance as an art form that appeals to its audience across all linguistic and age differences increases Winsen’s attractiveness as a new and first-time element in the city’s cultural programme and helps to raise the profile of its cultural programme beyond the city limits.
