Documentations of Events

Theatres, the Goethe Institutes and festival organisers like us to record their events and create a professional documentation of their work.

The films thus created each have their own characteristic way of summarising and representing the individual events.

Le cri du Cameleon, Josef Nadj

Tanzherbst On Tape (“Autumn of Dance” on Tape)

Festival “Autumn of Dance”, Bremen 1999
Realisation: Hartmut Sebel
Editor: Heide-Marie Härtel
Co-Production: Tanz Bremen e.V.,
1999, 35 min.
A [...mehr]


Jagniatkow. Move The Mount

[ 01.01.2005 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

e-motion in motion

E-Motion In Motion

[ 01.01.2005 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


Wissen in Bewegung (Knowledge in Motion)

[ 01.01.2006 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

Vom Wert des Tanzes - Werkstatt im Rahmen von Tanz Bremen 2016


[ 10.09.2016 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

(Deutsch) KOÏNZI-DANCE 20 Jahre interdiszipliniert

[ 27.09.2017 bis 01.10.2017 ] [...mehr]

Auszug aus dem Flyer zum Symposium "Folkwang Tanz"

(Deutsch) “Folkwang Tanz” Symposium der Folkwang Universität der Künste

[ 13.10.2017 bis 15.10.2017 ] [...mehr]

Gisela Peters-Rohse auf der Bühne mit Günther-Grollitsch. Foto: Daniela Buchholz

(Deutsch) TANZSALON 19: Gisela Peters-Rohse – Tanzpädagogin / Tänzerin

[ 10.02.2018 ] [...mehr]

Hieronymus und der Meister sind auch da

(Deutsch) IT’S TIME TO SAY GOODBY. Susanne Linke Abschieds-Gala Tanz

[ 29.06.2018 ] [...mehr]

Nele Hertling. Foto Inge Zimmermann

(Deutsch) Deutscher Tanzpreis 2018 für Nele Hertling

[ 22.09.2018 ] [...mehr]

Auszug aus dem Flyer zum Symposium "Folkwang Tanz"

(Deutsch) FOLKWANG TANZ – Video zum Symposium 2017

[ 25.06.2019 ] [...mehr]

Gert Weigelt. copyright: Weigelt

(Deutsch) TANZSALON 27: Tanzpreis 2019 an Gert Weigelt – Ehrungen für Jo Parkes und Isabelle Schad

[ 10.12.2019 ] [...mehr]

Raimund Hoghe  17.10.2020 Foto Ursula Kaufmann

(Deutsch) Tanzpreis 2020 an Raimund Hoghe

[ 17.10.2020 ] [...mehr]

Robert Schad. MOOH 2016. Foto: Olaf Bergmann

Joint Sketches – Traces of Time – Bremen vierkant / Robert Schad

[ 29.08.2021 ]  
It has now been possible to bring the guest performance of the Swiss dancer ANNA HUBER, which was cancelled [...mehr]

Dancing in the Streets, Bremen 2021


[ 03.09.2021 bis 04.09.2021 11.09.2021 ] As part of DANCING IN THE STREETS the Bremer Marktplatz (3. +4.9.) and the Deich behind the Schwankhalle [...mehr] (11.+12.9.) will

Deutscher Tanzpreis 2021. The Gala

[ 24.10.2021 ] On Saturday, 23 October 2021, the German Dance Award will be presented at the Aalto Theatre in Essen – the [...mehr]

Re_Cycle-tanzbar_bremen. Foto Daniela Buchholz

RE_CYCLE-tanzbar_bremen Premiere

[ 27.04.2022 ] In this piece, among other things, the value of artistic work from past eras and its lasting effects on today’s [...mehr]

Gardesn of Culture

Gardens of Culture. Visions and experimental projects for a future (conference)

[ 17.11.2023 bis 18.11.2023 ] “It is in times of dissolution, of change, of reorganisation, of social and national rebirth, that the tendency to wander [...mehr]

Kultursalon 2022. Foto: Eva Raduenzel

Culture Salon at PACT Zollverein

[ 13.10.2023 ]  
On Friday, 13 October 2023 at 7 pm, the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland is hosting a Kultursalon at PACT Zollverein. [...mehr]

Wandering Mind. Folkwang Tanzstudio. Foto: Ursula Kaufmann

German Dance Award 2023 – Grand Dance Gala and Award Ceremony

[ 14.10.2023 ] The Dachverband Tanz Deutschland invites you to a multifaceted dance gala on Saturday, 14 October at 6 pm at the [...mehr]

Der kleine Prinz aus Gröpelingen

(Deutsch) Der kleine Prinz aus Gröpelingen von Tanz im Lichthaus

[ 02.03.2024 19:00 ] Diese Produktion von Caroline Böhse-Krings für und mit ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern der Tanzschule Tanz im Lichthaus bezieht die Geschichte [...mehr]

(Deutsch) La mer en moi. Von Helge Letonja mit Kossi Sebastien A. Wokawui

[ 11.05.2024 20:00 ] [...mehr]

Screenshot 2024-06-16 132720

(Deutsch) Der kleine Prinz aus Gröpelingen – Filmpremiere im Lichthaus

[ 16.06.2024 19:00 ] “Tanz im Lichthaus“, die Ballettschule im Hafen von Carolin Böhse-Krings, feiert die Filmpremiere ihres Programms ‘Der kleinen Prinz aus Gröpelingen’, [...mehr]

Screenshot 2024-06-16 132720 (Deutsch) Der kleine Prinz aus Gröpelingen – Filmpremiere im Lichthaus
Premiere im Lichthaus. Bremen-Gröpelingen.
Documentations of Events Documentations of Dance Pedagogic Work Documents of Dance Pedagogic Work Filmvortrag Events Caroline Böhse-Krings, Tanz im Lichthaus Bremen - Lichthaus. D 16.06.2024 um 17.00 Uhr 01:40 h

Tanz im Lichthaus“, die Ballettschule im Hafen von Carolin Böhse-Krings, feiert die Filmpremiere ihres Programms ‘Der kleinen Prinz aus Gröpelingen’, das am 02. und 03. März mit 110 Tanzschülerinnen und -schülern im Tabakquartier aufgeführt wurde.
Das Deutsche Tanzfilminstitut unter der Leitung von Heide-Marie Härtel hat die Vorstellung gefilmt und aus dem Material einen Dokumentation produziert.

Der kleine Prinz aus Gröpelingen (Deutsch) Der kleine Prinz aus Gröpelingen von Tanz im Lichthaus
Ein Ballett und Tanztheaterstück für große und kleine Menschen
Documentations of Events Documentations of Dance Pedagogic Work Dreharbeiten Recordings of Pieces Caroline Böhse-Krings, Tanz im Lichthaus Bremen - Theater der Bremer Philharmoniker/ Tabakquartier D 02.-03. 03. 2024

Diese Produktion von Caroline Böhse-Krings für und mit ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern der Tanzschule Tanz im Lichthaus bezieht die Geschichte des Kleinen Prinzen, der sich ganz alleine um seinen Planeten kümmern musste, auf die aktuelle Lage unseres Planeten und seine Bedrohung durch den Klimawandel. Tanzsequenzen aus dem All, der Wüste oder dem Meer, aber auch zahlreiche freche Dialoge und Videos fordern die Zuschauenden auf, dem Klimawandel nicht tatenlos zuzusehen. Die Musik wurde eigens für das Stück von dem Bremer Komponistenduo Thomas Krizsan und Claudia Giese geschaffen und wird bei den Aufführungen von einem Orchester live dargeboten.


WER? Es tanzen 110 Lichthaustänzerinnen und -tänzer unter der Leitung von Carolin Böse-Krings.


Wo? Im wunderschönen neuen Theater der Bremer Philharmoniker, Am Tabakquartier 10 in Bremen.


Wann? Die Produktion wird 3x aufgeführt:
am Samstag, den 2. März, um 17 Uhr und
am Sonntag, den 3. März um 12 Uhr und noch einmal um 17 Uhr.


Karten unter: / Karten Erwachsene € 15,- und Kinder € 8,-



Das Team des Deutschen Tanzfilminstituts um Heide-Marie Härtel freut sich, die Premiere filmisch zu dokumentieren.

Wandering Mind. Folkwang Tanzstudio. Foto: Ursula Kaufmann German Dance Award 2023 – Grand Dance Gala and Award Ceremony

German Dance Award Documentations of Events Dreharbeiten Dachverband Tanz Dceutschland Aalto-Theater Essen D 14.10.2023 um 18.00 Uhr

The Dachverband Tanz Deutschland invites you to a multifaceted dance gala on Saturday, 14 October at 6 pm at the Aalto-Theater Essen. The diversity of dance will be celebrated with a varied programme and the German Dance Award 2023 will be presented. Guests include the Ballet of the Semperoper Dresden, the Tanztheater Wuppertal, the Aalto Ballett, the Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin and the Folkwang Tanzstudio.

The events are offered with audio description (AD) and translation into German Sign Language (DGS).

The Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin will open the dance gala with “Better, Faster, Stronger”, choreographed by Giorgio Madia. The 6th to 9th year students dance full of energy to the music of Daft Punk.

The Semperoper Dresden ballet will enrich the evening with two duets. With “FAUN(E)”, choreographer David Dawson has developed an abstract, timeless and modern creation that explores questions of duality, sexuality and identity. “White Darkness” is Nacho Duato’s choreographic reflection on the impact of drugs and their effect on human social behaviour

With “Sense of Wonder”, choreographers Lisa Rykena and Carolin Jüngst create an expedition scenario and appeal to the willingness to marvel. An excerpt of the piece will be shown as a video.

The Aalto Ballet will be performing “Mutual Comfort” on its home stage. In “Mutual Comfort”, choreographer Edward Clug captivates with his very individual movement language. Four dancers try to give each other “mutual comfort”. But any form of contact between them seems doomed to failure.”Wandering Mind”, choreographed by Renate Graziadei, is all about associations and moods that arise when thoughts wander. The Folkwang Tanzstudio will show a part of it – melancholic, absurd and mysterious.The Tanztheater Wuppertal and its dancers will be guests with a collage of Pina Bausch’s works. Excerpts from “Full Moon”, “… como el musguito en la piedra, ay si, si, si …” and “Kontakthof” will be performed.

Lutz Förster, one of the winners of the German Dance Award 2023, will dance a solo from “Nelken – Ein Stück von Pina Bausch”.

During the Dance Gala, the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland will present the German Dance Award 2023 to Malou Airaudo, Josephine Ann Endicott, Lutz Förster and Dominique Mercy. The laudatory speech will be held by actress Mechthild Grossmann. The visually impaired performer Sophia Neises receives an honour for outstanding development in dance. Dance teacher Peter Appel will be honoured for his life’s work.

Further exciting contributions complete the varied programme.

German sign language: Elisabeth Brichta and Esther Schuler

Audio description – audio descriptions for blind / visually impaired audiences
Text and live descriptions: Jutta Polić, Felix Koch
Editing: Johanna Krins
Sound direction and technology: Dietrich Petzold, with the kind support of Berliner Spielplan Audiodeskription, a project by Förderband e.V. – Kulturinitiative Berlin


The team from the German Dance Film Institute is once again documenting this year’s dance gala and award ceremony.


Kultursalon 2022. Foto: Eva Raduenzel Culture Salon at PACT Zollverein

Documentations of Events Dreharbeiten Dachverband Tanz Deutschland PACT Zollverein Essen D 13.10.2023


On Friday, 13 October 2023 at 7 pm, the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland is hosting a Kultursalon at PACT Zollverein.


Dance journalist Elisabeth Nehring will host the evening. She will be in conversation with the Pina Bausch dancers and winners of the German Dance Award 2023 Malou Airaudo, Josephine Ann Endicott, Dominique Mercy and Lutz Förster, with the performer Sophia Neises (honour for outstanding development in dance) and with companions of the dance teacher Peter Appel (honour for life’s work). Nina Mühlemann and Sabrina Sadowska will deliver the laudatory speeches for the awards. The evening will be enriched by the performance of the rehearsal of “The Second Spring” (choreography: Pina Bausch, music: Igor Stravinsky, rehearsal: Josephine Ann Endicott).


German sign language: Elisabeth Brichta and Esther Schuler

Audio description – audio descriptions for blind / visually impaired audiences
Text and live descriptions: Felix Koch
Editing: Johanna Krins
Sound direction and technology: Dietrich Petzold, with the kind support of Berliner Spielplan Audiodeskription, a project of Förderband e.V.


The team from the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is once again documenting this year’s Kultursalon at PACT Zollverein.

Gardesn of Culture Gardens of Culture. Visions and experimental projects for a future (conference)

Documentations of Events Dreharbeiten KOÏNZI-DANCE e.V. Hamburg, Warburg Haus D 17. + 18.11.2023


“It is in times of dissolution, of change, of reorganisation, of social and national rebirth, that the tendency to wander into the land of nowhere, which in Greek is called Utopia, is at its liveliest. ” (William Morris, 1890)

From 1918, after the horrors of the First World War, many people sought social reforms that would prevent wars from happening again. They drew up utopias and some philanthropists, most of whom were extremely financially strong, boldly and courageously set about implementing the models they developed in order to make humanity more peaceful. They created new and sheltered societies within society in remote areas and gardens with historic buildings, where they staged their ideas as beacons of humanity and democracy, sometimes at gigantic expense. They drew on the philosophical and educational concepts of Robert Owen, John Dewey and William Morris and the Eastern spirituality of the artist-philosopher Rabindranath Tagore. They started out free from state funding and therefore also free from censorship. Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst’s Dartington Hall and Raymond Duncan’s projects in Albania and Paris are historical examples of this.After 2022, the time after the outbreak of the Ukraine war and the associated global crisis awareness, these projects themselves no longer exist in their original forms, but their far-reaching effects and comparable ideas are unfolding anew in surprisingly similar remote locations, for example the Performing Arts Forum in St. Erme between Reims and Paris in France and O Espaço do Tempo in Montemor-o-Novo in southern Portugal.

All of the sites have already had cultural and historical significance and are located in former fortresses or monastery walls on extensive natural sites. The conference deals with these currently overlooked “Gardens of Culture”, which are barely present in the current narrative, between hope and failure, failure and hope.

KOÏNZI-DANCE e.V. asks for a donation for participation: online 30 EUR / present in the Warburg Haus 40 EUR + 9 EUR cinema visit

Flyer as PDF

17 / 18 Nov 2023 Conference at Warburg Haus,
Heilwigstraße 116, Hamburg
Gardens of Culture Visions and experimental projects for a future of Culture


Re_Cycle-tanzbar_bremen. Foto Daniela Buchholz RE_CYCLE-tanzbar_bremen Premiere
Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg? Ein Tanztheaterstück zu einem Aspekt von Nachhaltigkeit erarbeitet vom 5-köpfigen inklusiven Team unter der Leitung von Günther Grollitsch.
Documentations of Events Dreharbeiten Recordings of Dance Pieces (Selection) Recordings of Pieces Festival Dance Bremen tanzbar_bremen in Kooperation mit dem Theater Bremen Theater Bremen - Kleines Haus D 27.4.2022 um 20.00 Uhr

In this piece, among other things, the value of artistic work from past eras and its lasting effects on today’s creative work are questioned. Among other things, the waste pyramid is interpreted in a cultural-historical context.


Recycling and reuse are omnipresent on stage and shape the development process of the new production.

This material cycle is examined and stretched into artistic approaches and realisations. In this way, a poetic-satirical study of our being in a time full of tension is presented.


The team of tanzbar_bremen is supported by Delia Nordhaus, the director of the Upcycling Gallery Wallerie, as well as by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Albers, who is working on recycling in the field of environmental and bioengineering.


Tickets: 19 € / con. 9 €

Tickets available via the Theater Bremen.





Concept and choreography: Günther Grollitsch in collaboration with the dancers

Dance: Jenny Ecke, Till Krumwiede, Corinna Mindt, Oskar Spatz, Adrian Wenzel

Dramaturgy: Tom Bünger

Stage design: Delia Nordhaus, Janina Mau

Costume: Lui Nilson, Katja Fritzsche

Production management: Stina Hinrichs



tanzbar_bremen in cooperation with Theater Bremen


Supported by the Senator for Culture Bremen.


Funding: Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragtenderder Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR, Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung sowie Waldemar Koch Stiftung.

Logo of supporters


Premiere on 27 April 2022, 8pm


As part of TANZ Bremen 2022 on 06 May 2022, 6pm





The team of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is pleased to document the premiere on film



Deutscher Tanzpreis 2021. The Gala

German Dance Award Documentations of Events Dreharbeiten Dachverband Tanz Deutschland / Aalto-Theater Essen Essen D 23.10.2021 um 18.00 Uhr

On Saturday, 23 October 2021, the German Dance Award will be presented at the Aalto Theatre in Essen – the most prestigious award for dance in Germany. The award ceremony is embedded in a top-class dance gala programme with contributions from classical ballet, dance theatre and contemporary dance.

The German Dance Prize 2021 will be awarded to the founder and director of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen, Heide-Marie Härtel. Her life’s work is associated with a globally outstanding institution and the impulse to capture dance in the medium of film and to bring it to new life.


Honours will also be awarded to ballet teacher Ursula Borrmann, choreographer Claire Cunningham and trade unionist Adil Laraki.


One of the highlights of the evening will be the pas de deux from John Cranko’s “Eugene Onegin” danced by the Stuttgart Ballet as well as Reinhild Hoffmann’s “Solo with Sofa”.

Siham El-Maimouni, presenter at Westdeutscher Rundfunk, will accompany the audience through the evening.


Details on the programme of the gala can be found here [click].



The ticket for the live streaming can be purchased online at the following link: click here.



You can optionally copy the following link:


The team of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen is especially pleased to document the gala on film this year.

Dancing in the Streets, Bremen 2021 DANCING IN THE STREETS
Bremer Marktplatz wird zur Outdoor-Bühne für Tanzkunst
Documentations of Events Letonja&Landerer gUG und steptext dance project in Kooperation mit dem Landesverband TanzSzene Bremen und Landerer&Company Bremen D 3. + 4.9. sowie 11. + 12.9. je ab 15.00 Uhr

As part of DANCING IN THE STREETS the Bremer Marktplatz (3. +4.9.) and the Deich behind the Schwankhalle (11.+12.9.) will become an outdoor stage for dance art. Local dance makers will present the artistic range of their work and show how much dance enthusiasm there is in the dance city of Bremen: public rehearsals, mobile open-air dance studio, glimpses into everyday rehearsals, dance workshops to join in, works by Bremen companies and individual artists, dance short films and more. Four days of a full programme that ignites joie de vivre!

The 10-member ensemble Of Curious Nature and tanzbar_bremen, the choreographers and dancers Neus Ledesma, Magali Sander Fett, Markus Hoft, Joël Detiège, the Bremen dance schools Bounce N Boogie, Casa Cultural and many more will be among the participants. The programme will be rounded off by moderated talks with Bremen dance professionals and the walk act “gassi gäng” from Tanzwerk Bremen. Marion Amschwand will lead through the programme.
The completeprogramme overview can be found under this link:
The programme is free of charge.
Registration required: 0421-704216 or
The team of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen will document the programme on film.

Robert Schad. MOOH 2016. Foto: Olaf Bergmann Joint Sketches – Traces of Time – Bremen vierkant / Robert Schad
Finissage mit der Schweizer Tänzerin Anna Huber in Knoops Park.
Documentations of Events Dreharbeiten Events Stiftung Kränholm und Gerhad-Marcks-Haus Knoops Park D 29.08.2021 um 16.00 Uhr


It has now been possible to bring the guest performance of the Swiss dancer ANNA HUBER, which was cancelled due to Corona, to Bremen in the context of the exhibition “Bremen vierkant” by the steel sculptor ROBERT SCHAD. With a delay of more than a year, Anna Huber will not dance in the Gerhard-Marcks Haus as originally planned, but in the Robert Schad exhibition of the Kränholm Foundation in Knoops Park. She dances to live music by Martin Schütz, cello.

Robert Schad will also be present.



Lightness and movement interest the steel sculptor Robert Schad, whose square-steel sculptures come across as weighing tons, rising gracefully higher and higher into the sky, striding through a room as if on spikes, or – more rarely – seeming to wind gently across the floor. His early artistic exchange with the dancer and choreographer GERHARD BOHNER marked the beginning of his artistic dialogue with dance makers. Robert Schad entered into a reciprocal exchange, often lasting for years, with renowned personalities such as the dancers and choreographers SUSANNE LINKE, FINE KWIATKOWSKI, RUI HORTA, AVI KAISER, URS DIETRICH and ANNA HUBER.


The week after this FINISSAGE the exhibition will be dismantled, so this special dance event is the last chance to get to know Robert Schad’s work in Bremen.
The German Dance Film Institute is using this opportunity to complete the shooting of its film project “Robert Schad and the Dance”.
If you are interested, please register informally at
Participation is free of charge.
Meeting place: Kränholm Sculpture Garden / Art Café
Auf dem Hohen Ufer 35, 28759 Bremen
Sunday, 29.8.2021 at 16.00

Please observe the current hygiene regulations.



Le cri du Cameleon, Josef Nadj Tanzherbst On Tape (“Autumn of Dance” on Tape)
Festivalbericht 1999
Documentations of Events Edition Tele Dance Essay Tanz Bremen e.V., Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen Bremen D 1999 00:35 h

Festival “Autumn of Dance”, Bremen 1999

Realisation: Hartmut Sebel
Editor: Heide-Marie Härtel
Co-Production: Tanz Bremen e.V.,

1999, 35 min.

A camera workshop of the , directed by Heide-Marie Härtel, used the opportunity of the Autumn of Dance in 1999 to exchange experiences about the making of documentaries.

Young journalists and film makers were able to experience that the documentation of dance has its own laws. A confrontation of the dancers’ movement on stage with the dynamics of the camera’s eye and the tripod’s position. This track was further followed in the workshop about the editing of dance videos in the context of the festival “30 years of dance theatre Bremen”.

Hartmut Sebel’s documentary presents a thematic contribution, reconstructing the festival’s progress and presenting interviews highlighting the organisers’ motivations.

This film does not pose as a traditional TV feature, but as a visual festival programme, allowing the audience to re-experience the festival without commentary and just by its imagery and textual information alone.

Le cri du Cameleon, Josef Nadj7 Soli im Gerhard-Marcks-HausSusanne Linke im InterviewSusanne Linke im InterviewGerhard Bohner, Ausstellung mit Fotografieen von Gerd Weigelt Demersum in Aeternum, Ronaldo NavarroEs wird schon...Honeymoon in Paraguai, Susanne LinkeWorkshop mit Paulo Ribeiro