Image Films

The creates image films on demand for choreographers, dancers, companies, institutions, festivals and events. These features, publicity clips and documentations are a possibility to further your promotional work.

Forum am Wall - Sitz des Instituts

A Day at the German Dancefilminstitut Bremen

[ 18.12.2023 ] What is the TaFi for you? This question is at the centre of the short film “A Day at the [...mehr]

(Deutsch) III Virtuelles und interaktives Forum für Tanz [Making Of]

[ 01.06.2023 bis 23.11.2023 ] [...mehr]

Goldberg Variationen

(Deutsch) Blitzlichter. Tänzer*innen im Bremer Stadtbild [eigenARTig - internationales Festival inklusiver Tanzkunst]

[ 22.09.2020 bis 27.09.2020 ] [...mehr]

Foto: D. Matvejev

(Deutsch) TANZSALON 10: Internationale Tanzmesse NRW / BREMER TANZTAGE

[ 10.10.2016 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


(Deutsch) 6. Norddeutsches Tanztreffen in Bremen

[ 29.10.2008 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

Requiem, Carlos Matos

(Deutsch) 3. Norddeutsches Tanztreffen

[ 01.01.2007 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


10 Jahre Whirlschool (10 Years of Whirlschool)

[ 01.01.2007 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


4. Norddeutsches Tanztreffen, Braunschweig (4th DanceMeeting Northern Germany, Braunschweig)

[ 01.01.2007 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


Internationale Tanzmesse NRW 2006 (International Dance Fair NRW 2006)

[ 01.01.2006 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


1. Norddeutsches Tanztreffen, Bremen (1st DanceMeeting Northern Germany, Bremen)

[ 01.01.2005 ] Image film presenting the program of the 1st DanceMeeting Northern Germany in Bremen.
Realisation: Ulrich Scholz
Produktion:  commissioned by TANZstadt: [...mehr]


Internationale Tanzmesse NRW 2004 (International Dance Fair NRW 2004)

[ 01.01.2004 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


Internationale Tanzmesse NRW 2002 (International Dance Fair NRW 2002)

[ 01.01.2002 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


(Deutsch) Wissen schaffen durch Tanz

[ 01.01.2001 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]


Berufsverband für Tanzpädagogik (Professional Association for Dance Pedagogues)

[ 01.01.2000 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

steptext dance company

Steptext Dance Company

[ 01.01.2000 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

Bernada Albas Haus, Joachim Ahm

(Deutsch) Gestern Palucca Schüler, Heute Choreograf

[ 01.01.1998 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

Tanzmesse NRW 1997

Tanzmesse NRW 1997 (Dance Fair NRW 1997)

[ 01.01.1997 ] Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. [...mehr]

Forum am Wall - Sitz des Instituts A Day at the German Dancefilminstitut Bremen
Ein Film von Yanitsa Genova mit Hugo Garbrecht
Dreharbeiten Image Films Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen Bremen D 2023 00:03 h

What is the TaFi for you? This question is at the centre of the short film “A Day at the German Dance Film Institute Bremen” by Yanitsa Genova and Hugo Garbrecht. The diverse answers of the permanent, freelance and voluntary staff of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen convey a vivid impression of the spirit of the institute. The internally used abbreviation TaFi for the institute is explained in passing.

Yanitsa Genova came to Bremen as a volunteer from Sofia/Bulgaria as part of the European Solidarity Corps. Hugo Garbrecht is completing a Voluntary Cultural Year here. Both are involved in filming and editing at the German Dance Film Institute.