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295_Wie-war-das-noch-Linke_10 Lecture
Tanzfilm - zwischen Zeitdokument und choreografischem Gedächtnis.
Filmvortrag Schauspielhaus Bremen D 7.3.2005

DANCEeurope – Festival DANCE Bremen:

Wie war das noch?
(Remember what it was like?)
Dance film – between Witness of History and Choreographic Memory.

A Video-Lecture by the German Dance Film Institute Bremen

We all know the thrill of looking at old family photographs. What did we look like back then? And how much has changed! Thus dance film offers a host of anecdotes about the past and the present. But it is also a tool for those, who want to rehearse old pieces, for not everything can be contained in dance notations.

Susanne Linke is there as guest. She is seen as one of the five founders of dance theatre, four (!) of which have worked in Bremen. Be there when Susanne Linke relives her (also in parts Bremen-) past.

Speakers: Heide-Marie Härtel, Susanne Linke

Location: Foyer Schauspielhaus, Bremen,
20 o’clock