Four Days. Wera Goldman

Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Tel Aviv | IL
Video-Produktion | 2006



Direction: Ina Fuchs, Heide-Marie Härtel,
Ulrich Scholz

2006, 33 min

Four Days. Wera GoldmanFour Days. Wera GoldmanFour Days. Wera GoldmanFour Days. Wera Goldman

The edition “Four Days” is looking at the impact of the German-Jewish culture on the artistic life in Israel. What could those, who had to flee from the Nazi regime, contribute to their new home? What kind of immaterial goods, capacities and Arts did they bring in their luggage?

Wera Goldmann was born in Vienna in 1921. She began dancing as a young girl. In 1938 she emigrated to Palestine, where she danced in the company of Gertrud Kraus. Her life journey led her to Australia, India and back to Israel.

She became famous for her choreography and dance performance of the old Jewish legend “Dybbuk”. To this day, she is sharing her vast knowledge about dance with the young dancers of Israel, teaching them in the Arts. Wera Goldman is living in Tel Aviv.

Filmlänge: 00:33 h