International Choreographers in Germany

Seminar im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe: Tanz-Connection Deutschland-Bahia

Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia | San Salvador | BR
Seminar | 15.8.2013

This seminar aims to intensify German-Brazilian contacts in the northeast of Brazil through the dance academy of the Federal University.

The institution, which was founded in 1956 and whose teaching style is European or primarily German, is considered a pioneer in Latin America and is developing into an academic training centre for dance, offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. The aim of the event is to promote exchange between German and Brazilian artists and academics and thus to strengthen their international cooperation through lectures, film screenings and performances. The video lecture by Heide-Marie Härtel unfolds the entire playing field of international participation in German dance. Thematic focal points of intercultural confrontation as play themes play an important role, or the lines of tradition of international dance history reflected in Germany as a theatre country.


Speaker: Heide-Marie Härtel



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