Bremer Marktplatz wird zur Outdoor-Bühne für Tanzkunst

Letonja&Landerer gUG und steptext dance project in Kooperation mit dem Landesverband TanzSzene Bremen und Landerer&Company | Bremen | D
Dreharbeiten | 3. + 4.9. sowie 11. + 12.9. je ab 15.00 Uhr

As part of DANCING IN THE STREETS the Bremer Marktplatz (3. +4.9.) and the Deich behind the Schwankhalle (11.+12.9.) will become an outdoor stage for dance art. Local dance makers will present the artistic range of their work and show how much dance enthusiasm there is in the dance city of Bremen: public rehearsals, mobile open-air dance studio, glimpses into everyday rehearsals, dance workshops to join in, works by Bremen companies and individual artists, dance short films and more. Four days of a full programme that ignites joie de vivre!

The 10-member ensemble Of Curious Nature and tanzbar_bremen, the choreographers and dancers Neus Ledesma, Magali Sander Fett, Markus Hoft, Joël Detiège, the Bremen dance schools Bounce N Boogie, Casa Cultural and many more will be among the participants. The programme will be rounded off by moderated talks with Bremen dance professionals and the walk act “gassi gäng” from Tanzwerk Bremen. Marion Amschwand will lead through the programme.
The completeprogramme overview can be found under this link:
The programme is free of charge.
Registration required: 0421-704216 or outdoor@tanzraum-nord.de
The team of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen will document the programme on film.