Clara Furey DOG RISING – Festival TANZ Bremen

TANZ Bremen | Theater Bremen | D
Dreharbeiten | 7. 5.2022 um 20.00 Uhr

“In DOG RISING, Clara Furey explores the invisible. What is between the lines, she expresses with and through the body. That which borders on the known, which thus becomes the only supposedly known. If something is continuously shaken, it could change. Or does something rhythmic, something lasting emerge in the pulsation? Furey awakens a very own, inner force that does not turn against anything, but simply proves its own existence, places it in space and draws paths in it. Permanence and change, both are possible, and yet the dance seems so easy, as if everyone could simply join in. What exactly is to be read in the lines of the three performers, who differ, approach, resemble and drift apart, is left to the viewers.”



The emptiness fascinates her, writes CLARA FUREY about DOG RISING, which premiered in May 2021 in her native Montréal, Canada. Trained as a musician and dancer, she first worked for choreographers such as George Stamos and Peter Jasko. Her first group choreografie of her own was COSMIC LOVE in 2017.


DOG RISING she developed together with the two dancers Be Heintzman Hope and Winni Ho. The music was composed by Tomas Furey, Clara’s brother and working partner.


The team of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen documented the German premiere.