Emanuel Massa aus Italien berichtet von seinem European Solidarity Corps Volunteering im Tanzfilminstitut

ESC / NaturKultur e.V./ Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen | Bremen | D/Italy

My year at the Deutsches Tanz Film Institut came to an end, and I leave with the bittersweet feeling of a great experience, of having learned many things and met wonderful people. I leave with more awareness of my means, skills and possibility, with the confidence of going out there on my own, and with the knowledge that wherever I’ll go I’ll always keep a second home in Bremen, and a second family: the community of volunteers that makes this experience so special.

At Tafi, I did not only learn technical skills on my field, film production, but also crucial soft skills: an improved communication, an understanding of the beauty of our differences and the desire to never stop. I would recommend this experience to everyone who wants to challenge their convictions and beliefs, to get an insight of what collaboration means, to grow in an international environment and to work on what they love while having support during this path.

I’ll leave this city, but I’ll try to stay as close as I can. I like the idea of seeing Bremen as the place to always come back. We all need one or two.

Emanuel is hosted by Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut (TAFI) financed by the European Solidarity Corps and Jugend für Europa.

Emanuel’s contribution appears on the homepage of NaturKulture.V.