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German Dance Film Institute Bremen

Am Wall 201

28195 Bremen

+49 421 240550


Opening hours

Monday – Friday

10:00 – 18:00

The German Dance Film Institute Bremen offers a wide range of services, which we have compiled for you.

We will be happy to inform you about costs and modalities on site or by email.






ttj1-08In individual cases, you can also obtain the productions of the German Dance Film Institute Bremen for a usage fee.

service-02 For dance research, seminars and congresses, educational research projects and dance festivals, the archive makes its audiovisual materials and viewing and working facilities available. The institute’s reference library is open to the public. Dancers, choreographers, dance and movement teachers as well as specialist journalists, dance scholars and students use the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information through an extensive database. The Institute’s database was developed in cooperation with the University of Bremen and is specially tailored to the needs of research work in the field of dance. It contains information on the archived tapes, on choreographers and their works, individual performances, theatres and other dance institutions. Dance-specific data from other archives is constantly being integrated into the Institute’s database. For copyright reasons, individual users are only permitted to view the material on site. For certain recordings, the prior consent of the authors or choreographers is also required.

service-08The Institute’s technical equipment enables old video systems and films to be transferred and digitised to the desired standard. This way, the documents can be protected from decay and the culturally and historically valuable dance heritage can be safeguarded.

service-06The materials are compiled topic-specifically and serve as an audio-visual illustration of the content in lectures or lecture series. Dance scholars and staff of the Institute not only travel within Germany, but also take knowledge about German dance history all over the world.


service-07The Dance Film Production creates an extensive spectrum of media presentation forms of dance events on behalf of cultural institutions: – exhibition videos – documentations on educational institutions – image films – documentations of events and performances – recordings of pieces – multimedia and print productions: – Festival video libraries

service-04The Institute offers on-site technical support to choreographers, dance professionals and dancers for their independent piece documentation. It advises on the acquisition of equipment and on marketing issues.