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Ballerinen | © Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen Ballerinas with character
Legendäre Tänzerinnen in legendären Rollen
Filmvortrag steptext dance project Bremen D 5.5.2014

Silvia Kesselheim, Susanna Ibanez, Marcia Haydée and Malou Airodou created female roles that had a decisive influence on ballet and dance theatre in Germany. The videolecture with Heide-Marie Härtel and the Hamburg author opens up access to the historical source material of Josep Caballero Garcia’s piece “NO (`RAIT) OF SPRING” with film examples from the German Dance Film Institute Bremen.


(Source: Press text for the event)

Ruhr-Ort, Susanne Linke | Tänzer: Alexis Fernandez Ferrera | Foto: © Bettina Stöß (Deutsch) Ruhr-Ort, Susanne Linke (Rekonstruktion 2014)
Ein Tanzfonds Erbe Projekt
Video-Produktion Schauspielhaus Bochum, Renegade Bochum D Januar 2014

In den Kammerspielen hat eines der spannendsten Experimente der neueren Tanzgeschichte Premiere: 1991 schuf Susanne Linke ihr legendäres Tanztheaterstück „Ruhr-Ort“, in dem sie die Arbeit der Männer in den Stahlfabriken und Bergwerken auf die Bühne brachte. Körperliche Erschöpfung wurde zu Tanz und zeigte eindrückliche Bilder der Arbeitswelt des alten Ruhrgebiets. Diese außergewöhnliche Choreografie kommt nun erneut auf die Bühne: Susanne Linke rekonstruiert „Ruhr-Ort“ zusammen mit den Tänzern aus dem Renegade-Ensemble. Es entsteht eine einzigartige Begegnung zwischen Street-Art und Tanztheater, zwischen dem alten und neuen Ruhrgebiet, zwischen Tanzgeschichte und zeitgenössischer urbaner Kunst. Eine Rekonstruktion von Susanne Linke. Ein Tanzfonds Erbe Projekt Choreographie: Susanne Linke EINE PRODUKTION MIT POTTPORUS E.V./RENEGADE, HERNE PREMIERE: 24. JANUAR 2014, KAMMERSPIELE DAUER: 1 STUNDE 10 MINUTEN, KEINE PAUSE aus dem Pressetext des Theaters BESETZUNG Mit: Ibrahim Biaye, Alexis Fernandez Ferrera,Said Gamal Sayed Mohamed, Janis Heldmann, Paul Hess, Julio César Iglesias Ungo, Lin Verleger, Victor Zapata Choreografie und Regie Susanne Linke Bühne (Original) Frank Leimbach Bühne (Ausführung) Berit Schog Künstlerische Beratung Bühne Robert Schad Kostüme (Original) Angela Spreer Kostüme (Ausführung) Agnes Langenbucher Musik Ludger Brümmer Video Momme Hinrichs, Torge Möller, (fettFilm) Licht (Original) Wilfried Kresiment Licht (Ausführung) Denny Klein Dramaturgie Waltraut Körver, Sabine Reich Produktionsleitung und künstlerische Leitung Pottporus e. V./Renegade, Zekai Fenerci

Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz Body Guard
Seminar Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz
Seminar Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz AT 1-10.12.2013

Dance and film,- two genres that at first glance could not be more different. Dance in its immanent fleetingness meets film with its ever increasing independence from the material. Both develop their own creative scope, but also use each other’s creative methods. They meet most directly in dance documentation, in video dance and on the media-designed stage. The internet as a global text and image repository offers a new background for dance knowledge and dance creations at the same time.



In six individual lessons, the seminar explores the contact surfaces between dance and film and takes a look at the mutual influences in formal working methods and format developments. Learning to see dance is also a question of media competence in view of the increasingly media-mediated ways of reception.


Speaker: Heide-Marie Härtel

Foto: © Heide-Marie Härtel International Choreographers in Germany
Seminar im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe: Tanz-Connection Deutschland-Bahia
Seminar Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia San Salvador BR 15.8.2013

This seminar aims to intensify German-Brazilian contacts in the northeast of Brazil through the dance academy of the Federal University.

The institution, which was founded in 1956 and whose teaching style is European or primarily German, is considered a pioneer in Latin America and is developing into an academic training centre for dance, offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. The aim of the event is to promote exchange between German and Brazilian artists and academics and thus to strengthen their international cooperation through lectures, film screenings and performances. The video lecture by Heide-Marie Härtel unfolds the entire playing field of international participation in German dance. Thematic focal points of intercultural confrontation as play themes play an important role, or the lines of tradition of international dance history reflected in Germany as a theatre country.


Speaker: Heide-Marie Härtel



Continue to Dance Connection Germany-Bahia

Foto: © Heide-Marie Härtel Contemporary Dance in Germany
Vortrag von Heide-Marie Härtel im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Tanz-Connection Deutschland-Brasilien
Filmvortrag Goethe Institut San Salvador SV 14.8.2013

This seminar aims to intensify German-Brazilian contacts in the northeast of Brazil through the dance academy of the Federal University. Founded in 1956, the institution, whose teaching style is European or primarily German, is considered a pioneer in Latin America and is developing into an academic training institution for dance, offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. The aim of the event is to promote exchange between German and Brazilian artists and academics and thus to strengthen their international cooperation through lectures, film screenings, performances.


More on the event announcement


Ballerinen | © Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen Ballerinas with character
Einführungsprogramm für Josep Caballero Garcia
Filmvortrag Kampnagel K3 Hamburg D 26.3.2013

Josep Caballero Garcia’s NO ['RAIT] OF SPRING explores female roles in German dance history from the perspective of the memories of male former dancers. Questions about body memory, copyright and the physicality of choreography beyond gender are up for discussion.


Journalist Irmela Kästner talks with dance filmmaker Heide-Marie Härtel about the four protagonists: Marcia Haydée, Sylvia Kesselheim, Susanna Ibanez and Malou Airodou.

Rare video excerpts from the German Dance Film Institute Bremen allow intensive insights into the underlying dance history and development of female roles in German dance theatre history.


Moderation: Irmela Kästner

Speaker: Heide-Marie Härtel

Production: German Dance Film Institute Bremen